market your business

Simple ways on How to market your Business

You may not spend cash on marketing in the early stages of starting your company, but that doesn’t signify that there aren’t useful ways to get your product out there. Before We using the Internet, small businesses only had little ways to market their goods inexpensively, through a way like printing out circular or sponsoring little local events. Now there are lots of opportunities out there on the Web. There are exactly hundreds of lucrative ideas you can use to increase your income. Here are five approaches on how to advertise your business that doesn’t cost a big money and that can be work for every market your business.

market your business

1. Talk to your Customers /Clients

One of the best ways to market your Business is talking to your existing customers. The discussion with your clients is just that, a conversation. Don’t ask questions at them; instead, has the interviewer keep in a conversation and gather some important data as you can. Remember, it’s not about how fulfilled they are, it’s about how much they appreciated your service or product.

2. Embrace Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing isn’t just a tool to increase publicity—it has now developed into necessary time savings for every business to make. You can attach in ads and offers on your Facebook page and have a straight channel with your customers on Twitter. Networking on LinkedIn—both at the individual and business level—can help another way to your startup your business marketing.

3. Put up multimedia on YouTube and Flickr :

YouTube provides an open way to share our innovative promotional videos, but in order to be successful you must put up content that people want to view and are related to your business—a simple advertisement will not work for this. A Flickr profile can also assist by giving you one place to collect all the photos for your business, and allows you to link back to your website.

4. Commit to newsletter or Email Marketing

Marketing through e-mail is flexible, commercial, easy to determine, and high impact on your business. It allows you to simply drive traffic to your Web site, reach wide geographic viewers and stay in regular contact with your clients and prospects. E-mail marketing allows you to market your business services and establish your proficiency with your viewers.

5. SEO your company website

Search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be misjudging in the world of constant Googling. SEO is the process of make up a web page so that it’s established, read, and indexed by search engines in the most useful manner possible. This makes your website and its content elegant, related and visible to search engines. Pick up a book or head over to an online how-to-guide on SEO and make sure your site is prepared for performance on search engines marketing.

20 Secret Features of iOS 7

20 Secret Features of iOS 7 you have to know

This week in our video blog we would like to introduce you to 20 secret features of iPhone7 possibly you would have not noticed or not known.We are gonna show you 20 of the faboulous  secret features which would make you say “awesome !”.

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           This week we are going to introduce you to the popular technology of the year, “iBeacon”, which is the talk among technical giants. As many of you know it was the technology introduced by the techno giant Apple,  Ever wondered to know more about iBeacon well, we take the liberty to make you know more about it through our blog of this week.

What is iBeacon :

Even it is a talk of the year many of them have no idea on exactly what it is.Is it one like the NFC, Introduced by Nokia or something like share and copy of the Bluetooth technology. Well here we are to make you understand more about this “iBeacon”

“Using Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE), iBeacon opens up a new whole dimension by creating a beacon around regions  so your app can be alerted when users enter them. Beacons are a small wireless sensors placed inside any physical space that transmit data to your iPhone using Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth Smart).”


    We know that your are just beginning to understand and let us make it more easy to you,  iBeacon comes into play in a scenario, let us take you to a shopping mall, you are  approaching some shop say, Denim it means you and your iPhonen5s (which come with iOs7 and iBeacon)are entering the beacon set by Denim.

    iBeacon can transmit customized coupons or even walking directions to the aisle  where a particular item is  located. It can prompt a customer with special promotions or a  personalized messages and recommendations based on their current location or past history with the company. Smartphones that are in an iBeacon zone will benefit personalized micro location based notification and actions.

53397-beacon_teaser1                              In this age of information, where we flow for bits and bytes of data, iBeacon can provide you with the information at the right place at the right time. And the brighter part iBeacon even allows you to pay bill using your smart phone and even more brighter part iBeacon can run for up to two years on a single coin battery and it comes with accelerometer, flash memory, a powerful ARM processor and Bluetooth connectivity. Also, you can add more sensors to iBeacon to provide better context.

NFC vs iBeacon :

Well, we all know that one technology which exists similar to iBeacon was NFC.By the launch of iBeacon in june one thing which made us more clear is that iBeacon has been more spectacular than NFC because of its range, NFC tags are pretty cheap compared to NFC chips, but NFC tags are required on each product because NFC works only in very close proximity. NFC range is upto 20 cm(7.87 inches) and on optimal range it has 4cm(1.57inches), also your mobile device should have NFC chip to support NFC communication ! Thats why we meant iBeacon is going to be a killer for NFC, with its range of 50meters and support for mobile devices with bluetooth. And yeah you said it right iBeacon is going to be a stage breaker !

Is it affordable ?

                                  This question arise when we go through a new technology and we plan to establish one for ourself or our office. Then suddenly this question arises, is it affordable? Lets have a small calculation to know whether iBeacon  can be affordable .If you are so dull to calculate with mind, well take you calculator and make those business calculation !

                               branding Lets say the average area occupied by your store is 1,75,000 square feet,  which is 16,258 square meters. iBeacon’s range is 50 meters (typical  Bluetooth range), or 2,500 square meters. So a typical store would need 7  iBeacons. “Estimate”, a company which just launched to sell beacons, is  taking pre-orders at the price of $99 for 3 beacons. The range of Estimate’s  beacons is 50 meters, but the recommended range is 10 meters. If you go  with the recommendation, you need 1 Estimate beacon for every 100 square meters, which would cost you about $5,000. If your store wanted to add NFC tags (each at 10 cents) to all its products to send information to phones, it would cost $1,000 for 10,000 products, $10,000 for 100,000 products and $100,000 for 1 million products. NFC may not be needed on all products, but this will give a rough idea on how much it could cost.

Is it the future ?

                    Yeah, be you a gadget lover or a business person or a technical reviewer one thing you ask first is it the technology of future. Considering iBeacon we can notice leading legends trying to make their leap step towards iBeacon,

                          Android-logo Google has been heavily focused on NFC from the beginning and it didn’t add platform support for BLE until the release of version 4.3. Lot of the apps that rely on BLE couldn’t release the apps for Android phones. Some Android OEM vendors recognized the need and rolled out their own implementations. Google finally listened to the demand and made it part of Android 4.3. But Google has continued to push on NFC and rolled out the NFC-based Android Beam in Android 4.0.

                apple-ibeacon-600x259Apple has avoided NFC and all the rumors about NFC getting  added to iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 are turned out to be false. Instead of  NFC, Apple worked on alternatives using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. During  the introduction of iOS 7′s AirDrop at WWDC in June, Apple’s mobile  development chief Craig Federighi said, “There’s no need to wander  around the room, bumping your phone,” referring how NFC phones      need to be very close to transfer the data. As stated on Apple’s website:

                        AirDrop  lets you quickly and easily share photos, videos, contacts — and anything else from any app with a Share button. Just tap Share, then select the person you want to share with. AirDrop does the rest using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. No setup required. And transfers are encrypted, so what you share is highly secure.

                        Yeah having this giants Google and Apple with their hands on iBeacon ! who would deny it’s success being the future of data transmission.

Top 8 Secret Functions of iOS 7

Top 8 Secret Functions of iOS 7


 Use Safari To See Tweets With Links / URLsiOS-Screenshot-20130921-043944-01

Want to quickly see all the tweets in your timeline with URLs / links in them? Simply launch Safari, press the bookmarks button – the one that looks like an open book, obviously – then press the @ button on top. Boom! All the tweets with links in one place. You should be signed in to your Twitter account in Settings > Twitter in order for this feature to work.

Turn Parallax On / Off

 Don’t just like the new iOS seven optical phenomenon impact on wallpapers – or 3D wallpapers as we’d prefer to decision them? worry that it would be exhausting your battery? merely flip it off. visit Settings> General >Accessibility; scale back Motion and switch it on or off consistent with your




Enable Motion Sensing Controls

iOS 7 lets you launch Siri or press the Home button by simply tilting your head, or pull down Notification Center by tilting your head to the left. Sounds epic? Indeed it does. Head over to Settings > General > Accessibility > Switch Control to turn it on. Now go to Switches and set up switches to perform different actions.

blockEnable / Disable Bold Text or Change Font Size System-wide

 Don’t like iOS 7’s new skinny font size? daring it up! Head over to Settings >General > Accessibility and alter daring Text. ever-changing the system wide font size is as simple as pie, too. Head over to Settings >General > Text Size and regulate the font size to your feeling.



Block Callers and Unwanted Messages

 This feature is a gem to use. Open the contact which might be bugging you, scroll all the way down in contact details and tap Block this Caller.That’s it. The contact will never be able to bug you again. If you want to manage blocked messages,then head over to Settings > Messages > Blocked. This also applies to FaceTime and iMessages.


siriUse Siri To Enable / Disable System Toggles

Siri shed its beta tag along with the release of iOS 7, and can do a lot more than just telling you the weather, calling a certain contact, settings reminders etc. Press and hold the Home button to launch Siri and say – for example – ‘Turn Wi-Fi on’ and Siri will turn on Wi-Fi for you. Same works for Bluetooth and other system toggles.




Use Swipe Gesture To Go Back One Screen

In iOS 7, you can simply use swipe gestures to go back a screen, rather than pressing that pesky back button on the display. In Messages for instance, if you’re in a thread, simply swipe from the left corner towards the right and you’ll be taken to the main Messages window. This works pretty much throughout iOS 7, like Mail, Settings, Contacts etc.

Take Square Photos Using Camera App

Regular photos aren’t cutting the mustard for you? The native Camera app in iOS 7 now lets you take square photos. Launch the Camera app, and swipe to the right to take photos in square proportions. You can use the same swiping gesture to go through Panorama and Video modes.

Android Voice Commands

Android Voice Commands

Did you know that you can make your Droid Phone do things simply by talking to it? We’re not talking about the normal way you talk ON your phone but a special way you can talk TO your phone and it will obey your Commands!

Android Voice Commands – An Introduction
This article is intended to get you started using these Commands or Actions. Here is a quick list of what some of the Android Voice Commands let you do …

  1. Make a Phone Call
  2. View a Map of Places Around You
  3. Start Navigation (voice guided) to a Location
  4. Send a Text Message
  5. Write & Send an Email
  6. Play Some Music
  7. Send a Written “Note to Self” Message
  8. Find a Website Online
  9. Look up a Definition

For all of the following, you start out by pressing the Microphone icon on the Google Search Widget. Then speak the following into your phone:

CALL [say a phone number or a name on your phone], i.e. “Call John Smith, mobile” – it will start dialing the number or present you with some choices if it is not sure.

MAP [say a place], i.e. “Map Parks” or “Map Stations” – you should get a visual map of where these types of places are near you.

NAVIGATE TO [say a place or an address], i.e. “Navigate to Airport” – The GPS-driven Navigation feature kicks in and gives you verbal turn by turn directions from where you are to where you said to go!

SEND TEXT TO [say a name or a phone number, then the message], i.e. “Send Text to Sample, Did you walk Question Mark” – The screen will show you the texting screen waiting for your approval of what it thinks you said. If all is good, press Send.

EMAIL [say a contact name, then the message], i.e. “Email Mark Smith, Hey Mark can your phone do this Question Mark” – there is more you can do with this Android Voice Command but we’ll have to leave that for the full article on Emails using Voice Actions.

PLAY [say the name of a group or a particular piece/song], i.e. “Play Revelation Song” – If you have the music and a music App on your phone that can deal with Voice Commands, it will start playing the music for you. This one can be tricky!

NOTE TO SELF [say what you want to remind yourself of], i.e. “Note to self, Remember to get dog food on the way home today” – The result of this one is you get a written email sent to you (“yourself”) with the text you dictated. It is not sending you an audio file, but the written text in an email.

GO TO [say a website name], i.e. “Go to Use My Droid dot com” – you should end up here! At

DEFINE [say a word], i.e. “Define internet” – you may get a list of guesses as to the word you say if it is strange enough, but that is OK because you are trying to get the definition right? Choose the proper word choice from the list and it then takes you to the web with a definition for that word. Cool!

How to generate leads from internet

How to generate leads from internet

How to increase your sales and revenue?


Search Engine Optimization has gained a lot of importance in the recent years so much so that it becomes an integral part for every web development and web site design process. The credit goes to the ever increasing popularity of search engines. Now people trust search engines for all their online needs and if you also want to get into the good books of search engine  so that they would recommend your business name in their listing  you have to please them. This art of pleasing the search engines and make them rank your website or business higher in the search engine result pages is precisely known as search engine optimization. The process starts right at the development stage and goes on for the whole life cycle of the website or business to draw more and more benefits consistently.

 Planning for search engine optimization should get started at the stage of inception right at the beginning of the development process. At TIBS, a Dubai based company we recognize this requirement and offer various services that are required at this stage of the project.  For instance our services like W3 validation along with technical suggestions to optimize the code help you to keep up with the search engine instructions and requirements because we believe that it’s very hard to rectify the problems later on that we make at this stage.

The second and the most important stage of development after the code is content writing. It’s a known fact that having top notch content on your website which actually provides useful information to the users is a sure shot way to keep your users happy. However, “what about the search engines? “,”what do they look for in content to rank you higher?’ The answer lies in the keywords in the content , Studying keywords in a piece of content is one of the preferred ways for search engines to analyze the importance of your website. However, proper keywords research is necessary to find the most appropriate and high ROI keywords. At TIBS, a Dubai web designer company with our years of experience we have devised the ways to find the high ROI keywords related to any niche. Now just finding the keywords is only half the battle won. You have to insert these keywords into the text without affecting its quality. With our state-of-the-art on-page optimization techniques for optimizing the content as well as images we accomplish exactly that for you.
There are lots of other things that matter in the ranking of your website. The first one is  competition analysis. At TIBS a Dubai based online marketing company whenever a site comes to us for optimization and online marketing. Our first and the foremost motive would be to kill the competition for this we analyze the competing sites and study the areas where they are leading and devise ways to beat every competing site out there. Also, it goes without saying that client’s participation is the most important factor here. For analyzing competition and ranking, we take into account every major search engine out there such as Google, Bing and Yahoo that is without leaving the popular local search engines such as in Russia.
Other methods that we employ to achieve the high rankings for a website include geo targeting to target a specific geographical area such as UAE, Oman or Qatar for optimization, micro website and mini website development to take advantage of the keywords and on page optimization. In addition to these on-page optimization techniques we also specialize in off page optimization techniques such as the article and directory submission services by keeping in mind Google panda algorithm changes, blogging, social media marketing, among others. We are so confident of our online marketing and processes and techniques that we can guarantee the first page indexing of your website once you avail our search engine optimization services.
If you are looking for quicker ways of online marketing and promotion then don’t look any further. At TIBS, a Dubai advertising agency we have years of experience in paid advertising campaigns such as PPC on Google or any other platform with guaranteed results. We believe in only white hat SEO methods. These methods don’t only prevent search engines penalties, but they are really effective for long term results.